Find out more about our extra care apartments in Leeds, launching autumn 2024
Extra Care Homes
Affordable, Sustainable, Care Efficient, Future Proofed
Working with Local Authorities and Homes England to Deliver a New Generation of Affordable Housing
Our Vision
To deliver, own and manage, sustainable, community based, outward facing Homes for Life at affordable rent for qualifying tenants who can live independently and have intermediate care needs.
Registered Provider of Social Housing
Preferred Homes Limited is a registered provider of social housing approved by the Regulator of Social Housing in April 2020 (reg. no. 5093) to develop, own and manage social housing.
Our objective is to deliver, own and manage a portfolio of new sustainable affordable rented Extra Care apartments with available on-site care, assisting Local Authorities under pressure to provide more social housing suitable for older residents, reducing care budgets and a current reliance on more expensive and unsuitable care alternatives.
We are significantly investing in the sector to become a market leader in the provision of Extra Care housing to qualifying tenants in areas of unfulfilled demand across England.
We are developing new supported independent retirement housing into which our partnering Local Authorities provide or procure intermediate care services for our qualifying residents.
We are working with Local Authority partners where we have identified local demand for affordable rented Extra Care.
We work collaboratively with Local Authority Commissioners identifying suitable sites in community settings and develop apartments with shared facilities, gardens and parking. We have carefully researched the Extra Care market in order to understand and challenge existing design trends, adopt assistive technologies and deliver in accordance with HAPPI principles and Housing LIN guidelines.
We are looking to significantly invest in the sector over the next 10 years and become a market leader in the provision of Extra Care housing to qualifying tenants across the whole of England
Management team
Meet the team
Our multi-disciplinary executive team has more than 30 years hands-on experience in the sourcing, delivery and management of real estate development and investment, including regeneration and housing. The team brings together proven resource in property development and management, legal and accountancy, banking and finance, risk and governance and Local Authority understanding.
Findlay MacAlpine
Stephen Sorrell MBE
David Newsome
Richard Frank
Alan Ferguson
Non-executive Directors
Jean Bray, Ian Brown and the boards Chairperson, Judith Watson.