Extra care scheme on Hunslett Hall Road in Beeston, Leeds

Preferred Homes, a Registered Provider and Homes England Investment Partner is pleased to announce that work has commenced on its 63 apartments affordable rent extra care scheme on Hunslett Hall Road in Beeston, Leeds. This development will comprise 51 0ne bedroom apartments and 12 two bedroom apartments and is designed as a retirement solution for residents who can live independently but need some elements of personal care.

This is a major investment for Beeston and will include generous community space to support residents’ social activities whilst providing opportunities for residents, their guests and visitors to meet and enjoy our community café.

We are also delighted to announce we will be providing a new community shop for Lakha Newsagent and General Store – our local hero who has served the surrounding community for many years. Our rents and service charge will be affordable and housing benefits eligible.

To register your interest in our new extra care scheme and provide further information as to your status and qualification for our affordable rent extra care housing please contact our Housing Manager, Pinnacle via Harrinder.Rai@pinnaclegroup.co.uk or by calling Harrinder on 0333 600 2500
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